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Published 10 years ago - 698 plays
Can someone please tell me where to find the track code to import a track. I made a track but it was on my other account and can't figure out how to import. First to tell me gets a track made for them (request the type) and a sub.
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10 years ago
To find the code, in the editor, click 'import'
10 years ago
nocturnalvirus HannoHoumes how do I find the track code?
10 years ago
luke.elliott export the track from your other account (ctrl+c=copy) and then go to the editor of your new account. Click 'import' and paste that code. If u mean sth else say it.
10 years ago
luke.elliott Are you trying to copy your previous track code? Or locate one you had previously created stored on your computer somewhere?