Teleport Sound
rate please please subscribe
Published 10 years ago - 30.9k plays
please like + sub thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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2 years ago
coolaidisnotcool Okay I see your point sorry to bother you.
2 years ago
MrFishyFriend is making tracks not contributing the community?
2 years ago
coolaidisnotcool I don't see you making an effort or doing anything to make freerider a better place, and just delete the track if you don't like it, and it does give me the right to comment on his tracks, so say you have a right to comment, so I do to.
2 years ago
so PLEASE. Do not talk to me about calling tracks bad because my whole goal as a freerider member is to make this community a better place. I was knew and still learning what was right and wrong. I made a mistake. Let it go.