Think Outside The Box
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9 years ago
AngryGroudon Lol, I'll ask Char, wait a sec...
Nitrogeneric Oh, that was it? I was just letting my OCD bug slip...
AngryGroudon Finally, someone thinked outside the box! I'll find a way to reward you haha :D
Nitrogeneric You spelt outside "oudside"
9 years ago
AngryGroudon Lol, I'll ask Char, wait a sec...
9 years ago
Nitrogeneric Oh, that was it? I was just letting my OCD bug slip...
9 years ago
AngryGroudon Finally, someone thinked outside the box! I'll find a way to reward you haha :D
9 years ago
Nitrogeneric You spelt outside "oudside"