BMX Trial
Published 10 years ago - 16.9k plays
BMX Trial. Easy for some, hard for some, impossible for some.
Desktop Controls
- Accelerate
- Back Brake
- Lean Left
- Lean Right
- Change Direction
- Change Vehicle
Front Brake Advanced+
- Last Checkpoint
- Remove Checkpoint
- Restart Track
- Pause
- Zoom In/Out or
Toggle Player View Race mode only
2 years ago
Blank_TAS About the existence of the queue and about the fact that Eryp and I pick the daily tracks, yes. About the way the sequence of tracks works and also about how can precisely we can set the daily tracks, no. But I guess you got the overall idea now and yeah you correct to an extent.
2 years ago
Totoca12 I was at least somewhat correct, right?
2 years ago
Blank_TAS We usually like to predict the daily tracks like a month ahead. It went up to 2-3 months for a bit, but lately it's just a few days ahead, so you can count on newer tracks for the following days.
2 years ago
Blank_TAS Sometimes we might skip a day by accident and then a most recent track might jump ahead of others or we can fill in with an og good track. We can't remove daily tracks, though, so sometimes we mess up. We have put tracks that were deleted later, put the same track twice in a row or even 3 times by accident, so yeah. It is what it is.