MTBX 09 Round 1

Published 1 decade ago - 19.9k plays
MTBX 09 Round 1 is a Free Rider community classic track by thefunkymonkie.
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6 months ago
Theft Ty for the info man!
6 months ago
Theft some other things that could help are having friendly rivalries with other people that are willing to walk that path with you, just someone to compete and compare yourself against, even if you're better or worse than the other person in the beginning, it really helps give you motivation and drive towards that goal. my rival was always cerulean but i think that as you more skilled, having these rivalries becomes more unnecessary since all the top ghosters can start becoming your rivals.
6 months ago
mbcool the last thing you should probably do is start to use risky strategies where if you can get them, you'll save a bunch of time on your ghost, but it'll increase the actual amount of time it takes to get the run irl.
6 months ago
mbcool the reason i think that consistency is so important is that it always sticks with you even as your times get faster on average and your raw skill increases. if you're more consistent, you can get more good runs in that actually have a chance at first place or whatever your goal is, because if you find new strategies you'll be able to implement them quickly.