Taking Break
Published 4 days ago - 1.0k plays
my girlfriend, my closest friend, my everything, she had a suicidal attempt and ended up in the hospital, im not sure if she is okay or in what condition. im going for a break, who knows i might come back or not. egona tapping out.
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4 minutes ago
Volund hey man thanks alot, that mean so much to me. the reason i post tracks like this is so i can look at the comments and see how much i mean to people and how much they care about me, it kinda gives me a reason to keep going and that im not alone in this.
7 minutes ago
to be supplemented with some therapy or a similar professional. all just suggestions, but please take care of yourself and avoid things you will regret. take care
8 minutes ago
Egona okay, please do take care of yourself; i have no idea what youre going through, how youre feeling etc nor am i qualified to really help in any meaningful way. just try to make sure youre drinking plenty of water, staying away from substances, eating healthy, getting in 10k steps each day, getting outdoors, and doing some form of creative exercise if possible. these should help you maintain a more-stable mood, but given all youre going through rn, it's likelyt not enoiugh and may need
9 minutes ago
Volund just makes me sad cause i hate when people resort to drugs to help them cope