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19 minutes ago
wwe go wwe suucch a sonicc ninja wwe go on an entire tirade and rant n uu don't fuurth'r uunban uus? uu lose... uu wwere not quuicc'ity licc here n uur quuality of auudio semi auuto lluuddiitte goes wwuut don't uu get wwe r in an uutt'r semi auuto lluuddiitte huurry here wwe knoww uu get'n those semi auuto zesty puuncch's n uu go " no i don't wwant 'em 2j star duust stop" buut i gotta seriouusly quuit this shadowwverse darth vad'r sht n i ccan go dat if uu solid snake noww ....... uun ban uus
22 minutes ago
n wwe gib gr'y game ccat bibe wwe's ain't swwuucch an innoccent souul wwe instwwa ccwweddit ccwward kwwills ppl, n u go wwe's an instwwa mwwedicc wwe ccwwedit ccawwrd hwweals ppl. n uu insta uunban zesty me n uu save uur owwn life n wwe say sabe, uu got a cclark gabl' n uu rusty as iron douughnuuts n uur no ouur sonicc alakazam if uu don't huurry quuit n uunban uus
23 minutes ago
n i go.... cchallenge friends dat buutton dere do not sandl' muus sploosh puusy, extra lluuddiitte get cchar 2j cchange it, wwuut don't uu f'n maww get? i am spacce wings muus n uu f'n cchange it, uu cchange it f'n maww n paww'n noww or uur insanemuus holy smoosh uur huurry wwent insanemuus, wwuut don't uu semi auuto repeatmuus ouur cchimiccl' dreww wwent on racc'n insane they wwent wwha peww in a hwwuurry wwe alwways yawwn'n ccuus wwe doin' zoomies n wwe in a huurriccane muus n wwe a ccat :3
26 minutes ago
does uur 0 muus ggoogoogogoogooo get lluuddiitte puusy ban'n ppl? ccuus if uu do yabbadabadoo, uur not an insano 0muus, buut i bet a suubtl' n gentl' puush wwith a no insano muus nether portals wwouuld go....dis is fuun i like suurf'n....i like suurf'n, dis is fuun, plz find s ex 4j me....n i go...m a y b e d i s s a r g e n t i n s u u r g e n c c y i s n o t 4 j u u.....