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10 hours ago
pwease dear -_god zigouillator don't ever @ me or mrs.donald trump, we go to mwelania for owur hwi up weligion, i should also mention, jus don't talcc, u no-_t on my lvl in ur hurricane u jus sitt'n an spweak spwanish, to us extwa wuddites we fink dat no-_pwogwes$ and u get ur munchies twurn'd down, u should act' wike u blob'n and do skillful art, jus stfu, we in space, no-_1 nweeds dat sound
10 hours ago
if u jus fak'n don't go "oh tht's jus their own religion" we hi up canadians have been 2 space, we ain't fak'n there is no-_re'lg'n, here in hi up canada we all about pusy splash'n, u go this hi up, u bett'r hope u don't fall down, in our society if u go hi up once, u bett'r go hi'r up twice, the space aliens really made it difficult, pwease give in 2 our hi'r up pwogwes$
10 hours ago
i should also mention i hope i nvr see u @ zellers
10 hours ago
zigouillator u should be sploosh'n pwusy