impossible(for real this time)
Published 4 months ago - 594 plays
gitches are silly i like glitches (my other track was doable with vehicle glitch so here we are)
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4 months ago
the teleporter isn't necessary for making an impossible track
4 months ago
Pangrusak go into editor, place a star out of reach, enter the browser console (ctrl + shift + i), click "console" at the top (it should be next to "elements), and paste in "GameSettings.requireTrackVerification = false;" without the quotation marks (if it doesn't work, track is either too small or just try again)
4 months ago
TheKittyMaster Can you explain it like u explain to a 5 yrs old? I have an iq of 2
4 months ago
Pangrusak to make or to beat? making it is pretty easy you just gotta get exit teleporter position in the import code and add a copious amount of zeroes to the end, and beating it is impossible