Give me a good answer
Published 6 months ago - 167 plays
Give me one good reason, just one.
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6 months ago
runeThumbz nd u can kys
6 months ago
XxRONIxX My sister slowly turned into a g@y furry with an ig bio listing pronouns a mile long so this is just my experience.
6 months ago
DonaIdTrump okay, I'll actually sub to ya, cuz that's pretty spot on ig
6 months ago
XxRONIxX are u g@y? in my experience it leads to cringy fandoms, being a furrry and stuff like that. being g@y isnt bad, but making up new characteristics for people to describe you as is a bit self centered because it seems to be a need to be unique. also being the opposite g3nder than you were at birth is simply delusional. if you were born a girl, you might act like a boy but that doesnt change your gender. being g@y isnt bad but the things that come with it are weird and concerning