Read the Description. I'm sry.
Published 1 year ago - 179 plays
I'm extremely sorry I was gone for 2 years. I had a bunch of schoolwork to do and I was slowly forgetting about FreeRiderHD as time went on because FreeRiderHD was getting boring and I had few subs, so eventually I decided to quit.
I've also been doing YT content. More in the cmt
YT: ItzNightmare_YT
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1 year ago
Welcome back bro
1 year ago
I also had schoolwork to do and was dealing with stress and family abuse for about 2 years. I have decided to come back, probably won't post as much as I used to before. Thankfully, I have a YT channel going on and you can see my videos from there. YT: ItzNightmare_YT. Once again I am extremely sorry for my disappearance, and that goes out to all my friends too.
1 year ago
Sigh. Hello everyone. DtH here. I'm extremely sorry for the lack of uploads given to freeriderHD. As time went on I slowly forgot about it.