Published 2 years ago - 357 plays
Please tell everybody about this track. I want to see if I can get 5k plays please please please get plays I would really appreciate it. 5k plays are I make a new track that will be my best track, someone Please tell me if I get 5k by writing my name in the comments. I upload every day so please sub
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2 years ago
MTrease fair enough.
2 years ago
KidCharlemagne, I know, but I just want to see if this will work. I am very curios to see if it actually works. It will probably not work, but oh well worth a try right?
2 years ago
2 years ago
If you're really wanting 5k plays you should look at either making a track with a very unique concept, or work on the one track for at least a week so that it is highly detailed and polished. Or you might just get lucky and have a random track become massively popular for no apparent reason.