Is number 6 a girl number?
Published 2 years ago - 275 plays
I think so, because 5 is a boy number, 7 is my favorite number, and a boy number, 8 is a mix, 9 is a girl number, 3 is mostly a boy, but sometimes a girl number, 4 is the opposite of 3, 2 is a girl number, 1 is a boy number. This is based on looks.
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2 years ago
2 years ago
MiLK_DuD 12 should be a girl number, 21 is a boy number.
2 years ago
Speed_Stunter7 I think it would be like this: A is a mix, B is a boy letter, C is mostly a boy, D is a boy letter, E is a boy letter, F is a boy letter, G is a girl letter, H is a boy letter, I is a mix, J is a boy letter, K is a mix, L, M, N, and O are all boy letters, P is a mix, Q is a girl letter, R is a boy letter, S is mostly a girl letter, T is a boy letter, U is boy letter, V is a boy letter, W is a boy letter, X is a boy letter, Y is a mix, and Z is a boy letter.
2 years ago
so is 21 a boy or girl #? what about 12? does the 1st # in a 2-digit # dictate the boy/girl assignment, or (in the case of 12 & 21) do they cancel each other out individually? what about 3 digit #s and so on? does 1st # in string of numbers dictate boy/girl, or do you have to take each numeral in the sequence individually to see what cancels out what? these are the questions we need answers to. XD