c3 6p c3 5h c3 4j c3 23 c3 -1l
Published 2 years ago - 442 plays
c3 6p c3 5h c3 4j c3 23 c3 -1l c3 -3r c3 -6l c3 -87 c3 -9f c3 -bv c3 -ef c3 -h9 c3 -l1 c3 -lv c3 -nr c3 -pn d1 -sh db -vl e9 -12p ej -14l f7 -17f fr -191 gf -1cf h3 -1fj i1 -1gr iv -1jb j9 -1kj k7 -1m5 l5 -1ov md -1r5 mn -1sn ot -21d ph -23t qf -255 r3 -27l sl -2af t9 -2bd tt -2cl v5 -2dt 103 -2f5 1
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2 years ago
ZabuzaUchiha magic
2 years ago
lightninggod pssst how do you get it under 3 minutes
2 years ago
lightninggod yea i intentionally made this one easier and shorter to convince people to try
2 years ago
Slade76 yea its not my best ghost