Lil' bit o nature
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3 years ago
u dead bro?
coil_over amazing work, your smaller trees are really good. Your bigger trees need some work though. Try starting the branches higher up on those.
coil_over luv it, even though its not very playable
coil_over Amazing. lol I subbed to you the other day not thinking you would ever post anything. Glad I did.
3 years ago
u dead bro?
3 years ago
coil_over amazing work, your smaller trees are really good. Your bigger trees need some work though. Try starting the branches higher up on those.
3 years ago
coil_over luv it, even though its not very playable
3 years ago
coil_over Amazing. lol I subbed to you the other day not thinking you would ever post anything. Glad I did.