My attempt at brush
Published 3 years ago - 304 plays
can someone plz teach me how to make brush
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3 years ago
TheMemeBiker thx
3 years ago
MaDmAn63 SirHuman01 replace (.) with . youtube(.)com/watch?v=iRKL0y9VTME
3 years ago
MaDmAn63 I'll tell you. Step 1. click on brush, then set speed and length to as low a possible. Step 2. place track down, but remember to drag it TOWARD your player, or opposite of the direction you are going in. So if you are facing right, you'd want to draw to the left. 3: experiment, see what works. What doesn't work, get rid of it and start again. It helps to place checkpoints in various places so you don't have to restart from the beginning each time. Then place star at the end. :)
3 years ago
TheMemeBiker ok