Work In Progress...
Published 3 years ago - 6.5k plays
Hey skyriders, this is what I've been working on along with some collabs. Hope you like it, I do. I'm trying to make tracks on a larger scale, coz not many people seem to like small tracks, which is fair... Enjoy - TRS
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2 years ago
another factor is the fact that my style has developed so much since
2 years ago
goatosaur nobody liked it. Plus I'm trying to limit my screen time on frhd to be more productive. This doesn't mean stopping playing the game, by no means, but this just means no more endless hours spent doing something that really has no influence on my life.
2 years ago
The_risen_skyrider still working on this??
3 years ago
ShamatoZ you mentioned me a work in progess. why so