SirHuman01 the track? It's the hitboxes of the game, there's one square near the head used for determining when your head hits the ground, and there's 2 circles on the wheels, so it's possible to go through Bombs because of the gap, there's no hitbox on the actual body
2 years ago
ShamatoZ huh ok imma have to try that
2 years ago
SirHuman01 the track? It's the hitboxes of the game, there's one square near the head used for determining when your head hits the ground, and there's 2 circles on the wheels, so it's possible to go through Bombs because of the gap, there's no hitbox on the actual body
2 years ago
hey ShamatoZ is this cheated or legit? just kinda wondering bc like is this even humanly possible?
3 years ago
use shift