30 Sub Special! (Read Desc)
Published 3 years ago - 835 plays
Thank you everyone for 30 subs! I am very happy for all the love and support you guys have given me! I will be giving shout outs on forum and my next track. to the top 3 people on the THIS leader board. The winners will be final on Oct, 8. Have a great day!
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3 years ago
Uniior So I noticed you jumpes into the leaderboard right when I was doing the announcements... I might add you in as well but I gtg right now so I'll tell you tomorrow
3 years ago
lightninggod cej Since you guys don't have forum I will shoutout you guys in my next 2 levels instead of 1.
3 years ago
Radium_RC Legendary_Rider Mistyy cej lightninggod Congratulation to you 5 who won the competition!
3 years ago
I will actually be doing the top 5 instead of top 3