Published 1 decade ago - 302 plays
-18 1i 18 1i,-19 1g -19 -3a 4d -34,15 1g 1c 1u 1s 2o 2d 3i 30 49 3f 4q 3p 55 44 5f 4f 5p 4q 62 55 6b 5h 6k 5u 6t 6h 79 7b 7n 87 84 95 8g a3 8q b3 92 c5 99 d7 9f dp 9h,dl 9f e4 9f eq 9e f8 9d fl 9c g3 9a gf 97 gs 94 h8 91 hj 8t hu 8o i9 8k ij 8e it 88 j6 82 jf 7r jo 7k k0 7c k8 74 kf 6r km 6i ks 68 l
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10 years ago
just have to get use to it
1 decade ago
its actually easy but plays with my mind