Daily climb
Published 4 years ago - 339 plays
I know I haven't been consistent in these but I promise I will be from now on. Ive been busy with school and my personal life outside of free rider, but I still think my subs matter so ill make it for you guys. What tracks should I make to get some of you people who aren't subbed want to sub?
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4 years ago
AfterImage yea that’s fine
4 years ago
brakeflip also I am making a detailed climb, my progress just got deleted.
4 years ago
brakeflip ok, are you ok if I dont friend brake flip? my friend spots are filling up fast...but if you want me to I can.
4 years ago
Well I’m already subbed on my ethman acc but not on this one… I suggest making more tracks like this: https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/837336-should-i-continue-actually and less like this one (or at least detail it) :D