Sorry guys (Read desc)
Published 4 years ago - 623 plays
I won't care about the haters on this track, but if you don't know, in my latest ghosts i didn't spammed Z cuz i'm forgetting to do it, and yes, its me, sorry about that, ill try to do my best
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4 years ago
CHARREDLIZARD21 lol. you dont need a screenshot. Ive seen it happen a few times. Its just that there are a lot of jerks on free rider that like to brag (im not saying you, btw) and I am kind of tired of their bullsh!t. Sorry for jumping the gun on you.
4 years ago
I know how to do this
4 years ago
AfterImage It's some glitch, if I knew this was going to happen I would've taken a screenshot.
4 years ago
CHARREDLIZARD21 but you would still be ahead if they tied...?