ancient diamond
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3 years ago
1st Cheat In The Game!!
4 years ago
thank you all
Oceanslide I don't spacebar, i only reduce the FPS of the game and sometimes in my main account, cuz the spacebar key of my keyboard is kinda loose
SyaifulMukhlis if you used the track type that you did under the ocean, and did small dirt jumps (practically hops) in a very smooth manner with a couple of big trick jumps mixed in you would get a ton more subs. Great as it is! +1
3 years ago
1st Cheat In The Game!!
4 years ago
thank you all
4 years ago
Oceanslide I don't spacebar, i only reduce the FPS of the game and sometimes in my main account, cuz the spacebar key of my keyboard is kinda loose
4 years ago
SyaifulMukhlis if you used the track type that you did under the ocean, and did small dirt jumps (practically hops) in a very smooth manner with a couple of big trick jumps mixed in you would get a ton more subs. Great as it is! +1