My True Last Track [DESC]
Published 4 years ago - 281 plays
I have returned-- kind of... I have decided to quit FRHD permanently. I just don't have the skill and accuracy to create a decent track. I have wished for a while that I would be as good as the other creators but that wish had been crushed and I faced head on that I am actually very bad at this- Bye
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3 years ago
Blood_Moon I used that acc as my alt, but it's fine! Glad you're back :)
3 years ago
Blood_Moon :( why did you have to change your pwd?
3 years ago
Okay. So I'm back! Let me give you an update about what's going on beyond this game. So one of my favourite cats passed 've gotten a job, graduated college, got a car, and recently got my first apartment outside of dorms. So a lot had happened in these really long months. But to all my subscribers, THANK YOU for supporting me before I left. Give me a while and I will upload a few tracks. I won't upload very often..