3rd base of the bunk
Published 4 years ago - 2.2k plays
base 10, base 2 and base 16 --- all of these are in my studies so I will know how to make any text / image to a freeriderhd track but only if I continued with my programming studies which I don't think --- enjoy this which is practically easy just with some inconsistencies for pros :=) XD
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4 years ago
josephhd okie
4 years ago
NiteRider I'm sorry even I don't know how it's done, probably if I keep studying I'll figure out how it's going to be done :=)
4 years ago
UnidentifiedPerson because my time is short, between studies, courses, responsibilities and my tracks are 150 worse than before
4 years ago
josephhd "so I will know how to make any text / image to a freeriderhd track" , can ya say me how?