stolen (desc)
Published 4 years ago - 4.5k plays
my bike was stolen from my family's garage last night. the house was damaged and my moms bike was stolen as well. both bikes weren't cheap and mine had a ton of stuff on it... f*cking sucks... at least i can say i'm better off than the person who has to steal to pay for food and shelter. enjoy?
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2 years ago
B1g_N0ob my government name is kumbabe mufasa
2 years ago
Cynosure I will government name drop you 😀
2 years ago
B1g_N0ob my nicker what are you talking about
2 years ago
I_bE_lOoKin_FrEsH Often the bike is used as scrap metal to make money to buy tobacco use product, its not exactly something to tell an online game about but some people find it easier to vent with communities such as FRHD to relieve stress to avoid confrontation keep it to yourself