wheelie (desc)
Published 4 years ago - 110 plays
one way kills you and the other way works,If you go down its a auto but if you go right hold up.Choose wisely
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4 years ago
Ovii yah sort of.
4 years ago
1NOPE1 so you technically stole the tracks? i mean you don't have to publish the tracks to play them.
4 years ago
Ovii ok so basicly I was bored and found some tracks on google and then posted them also heres the track code for this:-c 21 b 1t 11 1t 22 1q 2h 1n 31 1n 3l 1u,-d 21 -k 24 -s 25 -13 28 -1e 2l,-r 2n -1j 2l,-1l 2j -1m 2o -1k 31 -1e 3c,-2k 5d -2e 5e,-2l 5d -2n 5g -2l 5r,-2c 5p -2o 5u -2r 6h,-2d 5e -29 5i,-2b 61 -2b 5m -25 5a -1r 53,-1q 5a -1p 4i -1f 3r -17 3m -7 3p t 3i 1u 3l u 3f -5 3k -15 3f -1b 3f -1f 3d,-5j 99 -5b a2 -50 am -4m b5 -4h bb -4b bi -45 bm -3q br -3g bu -38 bv -2u c1 -2j c3 -28 c4
4 years ago
bro you published 3 tracks in the last hour. how...