packer's challenge
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4 years ago
ZACHMILLERIZCOOL no way boo packers me and my dad hate's the packers go mayfield and my boy MYLES GARRET HES A monster at NFL! He has 42.5 sacks in like 50 games that is a insane monster!
UnlegendAryyy i mean, not that i don't like the browns, but i'm a big time packers fan.
ZACHMILLERIZCOOL no sirrrrr! Go browns!
4 years ago
4 years ago
ZACHMILLERIZCOOL no way boo packers me and my dad hate's the packers go mayfield and my boy MYLES GARRET HES A monster at NFL! He has 42.5 sacks in like 50 games that is a insane monster!
4 years ago
UnlegendAryyy i mean, not that i don't like the browns, but i'm a big time packers fan.
4 years ago
ZACHMILLERIZCOOL no sirrrrr! Go browns!