How??? Framed!
Published 4 years ago - 267 plays
How??? I copied this guy I'm just saying this so I'm not a real copyer So Enjoy
HaackerXD :P Oh and I'm a Boy so sorry i do those emojis
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4 years ago
HaackerXD i'm not making tracks, i would rather play them. and i don't have a mouse so it's a bit hard to make one anyway
4 years ago
HaackerXD if you click the reply button and it won't do certain letters and it won't do spaces, the highlight some of the message you typed and click back space to get rid of it, then it will somehow be fixed
4 years ago
HaackerXD here's what the last message said: also sometimes when you click the reply button this happens
4 years ago
HaackerXD loometimehentoyouclicktheeplybuttonitglitchenthihppen