All around the star 🌟🌟
Published 4 years ago - 151 plays
Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are :)
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4 years ago
scratchef i read minds :)
4 years ago
Tenteculars How 🤯🤯
4 years ago
I know 10 facts about you: Fact 1: You are reading this. Fact 2: You can't say the letter 'm' without touching your lips. Fact 3: You just tried it. Fact 4: You're smiling. Fact 6: You're smiling or laughing again. Fact 7: You didn't notice I missed fact 5. Fact 8: You just checked it. Fact 9: You're smiling again. Fact 10: You like this and you're going to comment. :)