ThIs iS NoT oK

Published 4 years ago - 207 plays
I just did literally whatever i could and just threw it in also should i quit because im starting to think my tracks are trash so let me know please it helps a lot i'm also in 5th grade so please please let me know to quit or not because i don't have ANY ideas okay almost out of room bye guys- Wayne
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4 years ago
I'm watching who killed sara? On Netflix they spelled Sarah wrong and as I'm watching it I'm thinking Sarah killed herself
4 years ago
Lemon_Acid ight
4 years ago
4 years ago
thx 4 defending me but im perfectly capible of handling it my self if u happen 2 come upon 1 of my fights again leave it be + dont stick ur nose where it dosent belong next time 2 avoid being called a small fry oki me and that nerd r both in middle school so it wuld be ezr if u let me hndle it nex time pls and ty