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1 year ago
AutoBoi not entirely sure. i wouldn't really put a time requirement on it, just keep practicing and you'll eventually get better
1 year ago
Xenom is 2 hours a day good enough?
1 year ago
AutoBoi I've definitely played this game a lotttt, first time I played was back in 3rd grade, but i've been playing consistently since 6th grade, so about 4 years. the best advice I can give you is to learn how to spacebar, and practice your as.s off. the more you practice, the better you'll get. watching other peoples ghosts to see how they play also helps a lot
1 year ago
Xenom how long did it take you to get this good and do you have any tips on how to get better faster or is it just the amount of time you play the game. I saw your bio and it says your fifteen so you couldnt of been playing for that long