50 Subscriber Special!
Published 4 years ago - 202 plays
Thank you so much for 50 subs! This is my biggest milestone ever. I also said I will share my youtube channel. I am worried cause all my videos are cringy and I have a lot of haters on FRHD. Anyways the link to my channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5VF6oECNP4Ld5AQxLlgqoQ Please sub!
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4 years ago
MikaNelson Nice :p
4 years ago
MikaNelson Thanks! Thats good advice
4 years ago
moobr cringyness is good for youtube, you just need a good upload schedule. my friend, colezer (youtube, not frhd) has a good channel with like 69 subs, but he has a crappy upload schedule, so he doesn't have as many subs as he should.
4 years ago
Angus_F Thamks