I'm Sorry (Read Desc)
Published 4 years ago - 491 plays
Why did you guys sub? I just don't feel like I am not welcome here at all. I have anxiety and it is just saying why the f*ck are you here. I don't know how I got anxiety but i'm saying to myself why the f*ck am I here too. I just told u guys that I have anxiety and you guys subbed? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
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4 years ago
Rabbot_alt shut up dumbas
4 years ago
Rabbot tsk to me i think You should stop putting your personal things, They don't give a sh*t about that, plus how did you get 141? For posting lies, lke the anxiety, If you don't Like FRHD Fu.ck off and get out you b*tch, your telling people to sub to your tracks, and you tell them lies and dumb things, NOW You want Attenion?! wow I can't bealive your in FRHD? Nobody wants attenion there, your one of the Dumb a.ss in this game.
4 years ago
Omg im suicidal and i have anxiety, plus i go on 3 meds a day. But i feel a little better, maybe its the meds but, idk but youbCAN MAKE IT LIKE ME
4 years ago
but like u know he doesnt know