Like if your doin onlin school
Published 4 years ago - 248 plays
I know I spelled online wrong but if i didnt, it would be too much for the title. Like if you are doing online school and it sux,. This is not an origanal idea! I saw it on another track! So go check out "Like if you are online school" and "Like if Covid-19 sux!" Bye! Have a great rest of your day!
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4 years ago
Gagidoo (o=v=o) my name is jake, copy and paste me to ten tracks around FRHD for ultimate luck, if you don't within a year you will have a spontaneous heart attack, and any descendants from your family tree will be cursed to have the worst luck and die to cancer, by reading the entirety of this the contract is sealed.
4 years ago
Maxbad (o=v=o) my name is jake, copy and paste me to ten tracks around FRHD for ultimate luck, if you don't within a year you will have a spontaneous heart attack, and any descendants from your family tree will be cursed to have the worst luck and die to cancer, by reading the entirety of this the contract is sealed.
4 years ago
MaDmAn63 i do
4 years ago
KDG_parkour i know i just did something stupid