(Read Disc)Plz.

Published 4 years ago - 189 plays
So Guys my cat was acting very strange, she meowed and crouched down and she might evan be pragnint and she started doing it probaly 1-2 days ago.I mostly think 1 day ago.And if you have discord or a question ask in the coments and like if You feel sad and leave a sub.But if u dont feel sad thumbdwn
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4 years ago
a_drain Check My New Map
4 years ago
a_drain Ok>n<
4 years ago
LiamPardinas Because you did not beg for likes in the title, and that was right of you to do, but however, you did ask for them in the description. Next time, show people that your tracks are worthy of subscribing and liking, instead of asking for them. Don't earn your subs through begging, but instead through your track quality.
4 years ago
a_drain and more people played it right then how did i get one like no subs and one dislike