New bike? (desc)

Published 4 years ago - 305 plays
Its almost time for me to get a new bike. I like to race cross country and mucking around with my friends. Ive decided to go with the Trek Top fuel but I don't know which model. Im a kid so I don't have infinite money so im don't know between the 9.7 (nx) and the 9.8 (gx). What do u guys think?
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4 years ago
JackpotEddie. I don't understand I see your tracks so much but they barely have any likes? I like them + 1
4 years ago
JackpotEddie Trek Top fuel is a good option. As an enduro racer, I'm not much into the XC bike range, but I'd go for the GX model if you have the money, the durability increases and so does the upgradability. If you can race more and get yourself some sponsorships you can hitch some free stuff. (I have contracts with SRAM, Fox, and Specialized) Good luck!
4 years ago
And its probrably cuz we r al, getting new bikes but levi is sponsored by giant so who cares about what he gets
4 years ago
JackpotEddie Dang that's expensive. Good luck getting that cash, I've heard biking is an expensive sport lol (one of my friends custom build his bike, I'd guess that would save on cost but what do I know)