Trial #3 The Mines
Published 4 years ago - 472 plays
Level of difficulty: Low. Top 5 ghost's names will be posted in my next track and don't forget to like, sub and comment feedback and new trial ideas.
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4 years ago
I think I might see an even faster route... based on your path: 1st star, 3rd star, then 2nd star. That boosted ramp could actually send you to the ceiling getting you to the 3rd star 2nd. Then you can come back really fast to the 2nd star. Don't know if that would work, but I have made it to the ceiling from that ramp several times already.
4 years ago
you destroyed me right after I perfected my route lmao
4 years ago
ThunderBear LMAO, I didn't realize you were still improving it until I refreshed for the notification. GG I can't beat that XD Sucks that it broke though. At least it broke at the end and not the beginning.
4 years ago
ThunderBear Dang, you just had to do me like that... ;_;