ITS_ME_again Why 😥
Published 4 years ago - 456 plays
ITS_ME_again I am sorry that my track was a copy. I didn't know. I"m still new to this game. If I knew there was a better one out there then I would't have made. Can you plz stop with the messages. plz.
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4 years ago
RadiumRCs_Mom nah you are. stop talking about kfc like "If YoU lIkE kFc, SuB tO mE" Like holy helI
4 years ago
RadiumRCs_Mom why don't you shut up you A$$ hole. why are you so angry you b utt head
4 years ago
RadiumRCs_Mom shut the f uck up
4 years ago
Bigwave100 Dont worry about them they are JERKS!