+1 paremedics
Published 5 years ago - 557 plays
My dad almost died from a car crash around a week ago. If it wasn't for the paramedics then he would of died. like if you want to respect the work that paramedics have to do. :)
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5 years ago
RadiumRCs_Mom No I would have liked it if it was on there. You just seriously cannot find the intelligence to realize why there is a difference and why I would have acted differently
5 years ago
RadiumRCs_Mom But the thing is this is a freerider high definition track, not a generally statement so I also have to like the track at the same time as well as the message, If I way up the positives and negatives then I decide whether to like or dislike a track. If this was a facebook post I would've liked it, but because It is a free rider high definition track I have disliked it.
5 years ago
RadiumRCs_Mom How, they never said that
5 years ago
ha lol