I'm sorry everyone
Published 5 years ago - 3.1k plays
Hey guys I'm sorry for not uploading for so long, I have been working on my big track with shrimpers. I know this track sucks so don't hate on it. Hopefully I will be back with the big track reveal soon..And if anyone is pretty good at shading please let me know!!!
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3 years ago
RedRow12345 oh yikes, this thing has a bad history
3 years ago
I'm so tired of everyone saying 'This track sucks' as the title and all that. All of you community members have the artist mentality. If you keep judging yourself and saying that literally every small track is bad, you will lose sight of what makes your big tracks good. In addition, hardly anyone will care if they are just scrolling through random tracks. Who cares if it isn't the best? Just stay happy, don't crunch and create. I would know the effect of this as a programmer.
4 years ago
Yeah me too, but We have done a lot of things different since you last saw it Mocking-Jay
4 years ago
WHAT?! NO! Mocking-Jay, okay look, I CHANGED SOME of the track I will explain on FORUMS Mocking-Jay