first detailed tree. read desc
Published 5 years ago - 330 plays
this too me ages so please sub so i can beat my friends. any tips( :
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5 years ago
RubeGoldberger thank you
5 years ago
OscarWest ohh stfu
5 years ago
OscarWest In other words, don't overthink it. Don't worry if it might look bad the first few times. That's a problem I have as a perfectionist. I don't like when things I do come out bad. But I end up taking way to long to produce similar results if I were to just not overthink it.
5 years ago
OscarWest Good stuff! I am no artist, but I feel you when you say it took ages. A tip I can give you: don't stress too hard while drawing. It will just take longer and not really look any better than if you were to just think about things less. That's what I have found anyway whenever I happen to pick up a pencil and try drawing something.