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2 weeks ago
TrumpLostLol that username aged well . . .
2 weeks ago
TrumpLostLol Lesley_Zore Not even to mention, the absolutely insane complexities of the species we call humans, 86 billion neurons going off in your brain, making memories, habbits, 2.76e+15 strands of DNA, where each one is carefully crafted to every single part of you, the shade of your eyes, hair color . . . everything, I genuinely believe that there is no other explanation other than G.od, if there is one thing I am absolutely certain on, its that G.od does exist, and Jesus is his prophet
2 weeks ago
TrumpLostLol Lesley_Zore The evolutionary claim is still under debate, as the amount of transitional skeletons is very small (the amount of animals that we find died transitioning from one species to the next) Its barely substantial to hold this theory together, but there is strong evidence for (This is fact) Animals & humans can adapt, which is very different from evolving. Adaption is where humans and animals can change certain physical attributes to better suit their surroundings.
2 weeks ago
TrumpLostLol Lesley_Zore Jesus does exist, famous atheists such as Alex o' Connor (Cosmic skeptic) and Richard Dawkins both state that Jesus did in fact exist. and thats cause because Romans did in fact document their killings & thats where we see Jesus of Nazareth killed on the same day as two other thieves (Gestas and Dismas)