Published 5 years ago - 602 plays
I LOVE YouTube! Especially in these times, I can just relax and watch a couple of videos. Comment who your favorite youtuber is. I enjoy many creators, but my favorite would probably be Let's Game It Out. :)
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5 years ago
Rerresi my favorite YouTuber is DALLMYD
5 years ago
Recently I watched a lot of mumbojumbo and grian. I watch clumsy's dank doodle memes and I watch wilbur soot cause he's good. I also tried watching loverfella. PS: I like minecraft
5 years ago
A youtube logo track has been created before lots of times but this one is especially good! Fav youtuber? Hmmm I watch pretty random. Here are some: I started at Dantdm then Unspeakable gaming and his friends. I tried preston and jelly but they're not entertaining. MC python's minecraft survival series was cool. Sometimes I just watch random videos that make me laugh!