I need a subscriber (DESC)
Published 5 years ago - 361 plays
We all have to start somewhere, so I will gift anyone who writes their name in the comments and if you subbed, will get 500,000 coins
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5 years ago
Littleligers2020 Thank you for the advice man
5 years ago
6. unfortunately usernames can also get subs because people like the username so.....yeah thats all RaceDestroyer
5 years ago
How to get subs? 1. don't directly ask for subs. 2. Make less autos and holdups. They won't get you far. 3. Post fun easy tracks, and trial like hard ones. Easy ones could be detailed or just be super short and have art. Hard ones have to be organised. If you just have a messy load of lines and powerups, it will be hard but not fun. 4. Detail can help to get subscribers. 5. Use grid! You will be able to properly organise lines and powerups and it will look better, therefore getting subs!
5 years ago