Just another cave

Published 5 years ago - 5.2k plays
Inspired by 100% by LabibZaydandy. hold up and left for cool thing
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2 years ago
Ill1 I wasn't being a dck, I was calling him out for his wrongdoings. He's an evil person and shouldn't be allowed on this game, and you shouldn't waste your time defending him.
2 years ago
hotman7777 I'm not taking anyone's side. You're right that I don't know the full story, but I know that being a dck on their tracks purely out of spite is a very petty, shtty thing to do. I will not apologise because I have no need to.
2 years ago
Ill1 he literally made death threats towards me but okay, take his side. Maybe you ahould stay out of other peoples business when you don't know anything about what you're talking about. Apologize now.
2 years ago
hotman7777 They hacked once and made a whole decent apology track addressing it. If you're talking about your father, I'm sorry, but you can't post a track in a html game begging for likes and not get crackback saying that it is fake, (which it certainly seems to be). Also please don't btch on other peoples tracks, picking out the worst in them with no other context. That's just toxic and nobody will like you for it.