Go to "https://cdn jsdelivr net/gh/zenblade3383/FreeRiderHD-Script@v1.0.17/auto-updating.js" for the script (Make sure to remove quotes and add . in the url where spaces are seen.) Then to run script copy all of the script and hit CTRL+SHIFT+J and paste script. After that press enter. ENJOY! Thu, 19 Sep 2019 15:26:18 GMT
5 years ago
Go to "https://cdn jsdelivr net/gh/zenblade3383/FreeRiderHD-Script@v1.0.17/auto-updating.js" for the script (Make sure to remove quotes and add . in the url where spaces are seen.) Then to run script copy all of the script and hit CTRL+SHIFT+J and paste script. After that press enter. ENJOY! Thu, 19 Sep 2019 15:26:18 GMT
1 decade ago
Awesome super smooth track!
1 decade ago
Nice Delphin