Im Leaving!! (read desc.)
Published 6 years ago - 338 plays
I am leaving because of bullying from a person known as "mistyy". He is a rude person in real life and he is so rude to me... I feel harassed by him because he makes fun of my tracks! He also rude to me because i used a copied tracks to try to help people achieve some free points! Like to help me!!
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5 years ago
HighHelium your tracks are as s
6 years ago
HighHelium f uck you
6 years ago
beryllium I Bully u? Let's look at some things that u have done: u have made fun of a kid with no limbs, made memes of special needs students at our school, called my tracks stupid, bad and copied u have personally attacked me on so many levels and I know someone that wants to kill themselves because of u bulling them, this is unacceptab
6 years ago
beryllium copying tracks does not help people get points it just gets u a free track