SaltEmpire also, try to not get frustrated if you don't get something perfect on the first try, or if a good track you make doesn't get much attention. it happens to the best of us. alright, good luck! :)
epicfrog Thanks for the advice! The ApplePencil and your suggestion will very likely be helpful but my hands are bit shaky. I think I will make a sort of wood furniture to stabilise it.
3 years ago
4 years ago
epicfrog Thanks! I will probably make a rocky track in the waterfall I have been over lunch, eating couscous, with the immense water crashing down.
4 years ago
SaltEmpire also, try to not get frustrated if you don't get something perfect on the first try, or if a good track you make doesn't get much attention. it happens to the best of us. alright, good luck! :)
4 years ago
epicfrog Thanks for the advice! The ApplePencil and your suggestion will very likely be helpful but my hands are bit shaky. I think I will make a sort of wood furniture to stabilise it.