Tree of Speed II
Published 6 years ago - 449 plays
A different approach to how my layout was in my original tree of speed. If you enjoyed the track please don't forget to like and subscribe so you don't miss out on Tree of Speed III. Have a great day!
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6 years ago
SeanTison Ya, it's amazing the difference in temperature. It's like 25 degrees cooler in the summer there than here in Virginia which I would really like but I would probably think it's way too cold in the winter. My Mom and her family grew up there (in the thumb of Michigan) so we went on a road trip a few years ago to see where she used to live. I love how straight and how much more simple the roads are than the confusing winding roads here in VA
6 years ago
ArrowDynamics oh, you have no idea, it is Freezing here 24.7, jk, but it's okay here right now, just a little chilly
6 years ago
SeanTison How is the weather in Michigan? I like that it doesn't get so hot up there in the summer. Here in Virginia it's always in the 90s in the summer.
6 years ago
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